We Buy Houses Charleston

5 Things You Should Know About Inheriting a Property in Charleston

How exciting! You’ve inherited a house! But wait, not so fast.  Without giving it much thought, many consider inheriting a house a windfall. However, the reality is that you may be inheriting a sinking ship that you’ll be responsible for, whether you can afford it or not. So while the best intentions may have motivated … Continued

5 Ways Homeowners in Charleston Can Get Out of Debt

Are you a homeowner who wants to get out of debt? Struggling to climb out of debt while paying exorbitant interest on your loans can be overwhelming. Another hurdle for many is the fear of changing lifestyles and doing without shopping therapy and all of the little perks and comforts they’ve grown accustomed to in … Continued

5 Ways to Handle Bad Tenants in Charleston

It can be emotionally wearing when you have a tenant that has become far less stellar than the referrals you reviewed and the information provided on their application that led you to accept them in your property.  When facing such a difficult situation, it’s constructive to have a guide providing you with options and steps … Continued

5 Property Management Mistakes Charleston Investors Often Make

Property management matters from the selection of tenants and all that follows. The best location and building in the world won’t overcome the cost of poor management; when tenant complaints are ignored, as a rule, it can become troublesome. Leaving unresolved tenants and management can also lead to non-payment of rent in protest of poor … Continued

How to Decide if You Should Keep or Sell Your House in Charleston

Do you want to sell your house in Charleston? Just as there is a right time to buy, there is a right time to sell your home. Of course, many factors may influence the decision ahead, such as changes in your finances or significant life circumstances that have caused an upheaval in your life. Perhaps … Continued

5 Tips for Buying a Charleston Investment Property Sight Unseen

In the ever-evolving digital world, remote work, school, and online car shopping are becoming commonplace. Even the process of buying real estate has been revolutionized, easing the process of purchasing property from long distances. So whether you are relocating to be near a new job or moving to be closer to family members or expanding … Continued

5 Tips for Investors Who Manage Multiple Properties in Charleston

Without proper management, your investment portfolio will be like a ship cast adrift without a captain at the helm successfully navigating the waters. It takes time to steer a boat in a new direction and keep in line with upcoming market changes, such as rent increases or building your portfolio with fantastic investment opportunities.  Managing … Continued

5 Tips for Mobile Home Investors in Charleston

The long-standing stigma of mobile homes is slowly fading into the sunset. Mobile homes offer a great chance to diversify your real estate portfolio for a reasonably modest investment. First, however, it is helpful to understand what is involved in this unique market niche to help you save both time and money. The mobile home … Continued

5 Ways the Foreclosure of Your Charleston House Will Impact You in the Future

The wheels that drive foreclosures turn very slowly, and there is ample opportunity to steer the ship in a new direction and salvage your future. Sadly, foreclosure is entirely avoidable, yet lives are often damaged for years because homeowners didn’t understand the consequences and took no action to prevent the process.  Whatever circumstances change to … Continued

Self Directed IRA For Real Estate – What Are the Rules in Charleston?

We get asked questions all of the time from savvy investors who we work with here at The Charleston House Guy. Most of the questions surround buying investment properties in Charleston South Carolina… which we of course know a lot about. But one part of buying an investment property / rental property is how are … Continued
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